Explore some of the amazing natural bush reserves.
Whilst our 32 kilometres of coastline offers every beach experience, our 680 square kilometres is also filled with wetlands, markets gardens and bushland. Much of the rural areas are used mainly for horticulture and agriculture.
Wanneroo has played a significant role in food production since the Whadjuk and Yued people and continues to be an important food bowl for Perth, with over 17% of West Australia’s vegetables produced here. In fact, 35% of strawberries are grown here and farms offer ‘pick your own’ when in season.
Yanchep and Neerabup National Parks offer places of serenity to explore, picnic and enjoy discovering plants and animals.

Hike, Explore, Play

Get Active and Discover Nature
The Six Seasons Trails are a series of three different easy walk trails through nature, based on the Aboriginal Six Seasons. Traditionally Noongar people hunted and gathered food according to the seasons.
The Neerabup National Park is home to the Yaberoo Budjara Heritage walk trail, which is based on Yellagonga’s tribes movement tracks linking the lakes of the coastal plain between Lake Joondalup up to Yanchep National Park. The trail is 28km, but can be walked in smaller sections.
The 10th Light Horse Heritage Trail, takes you on 1.2km journey through the location of the campground of the 600 men of the 10th Light Horse during World War II. Read the stories of the camp ground, the sleeping quarters, stores and cook house.
Yanchep National Park has nine walk trails, from the easy 2km Wetlands Walk trail up to the more challenging Ghost House (12km) or Yanchep Rose trail (14km).