City of Wanneroo Disclaimer
All information and material on this website is provided for general information only and is not intended as advice. Users should make their own enquiries and seek independent advice prior to making any decisions. Users use this website at their own risk.
The City of Wanneroo makes no representation or warranty that material on this website is accurate, reliable or complete. All information on this website, including hypertext links to internet sites outside this website, is provided in good faith, derived from sources believed to be current and accurate as at the date of publication. The materials may be subject to change without notice and users should seek to confirm any information he/she wishes to rely on from the source itself.
This website contains information about various businesses and service providers, and about various activities and events. The City of Wanneroo makes no representations as to the accuracy, nature, suitability or quality of any events, activities, goods and/or services shown or described on this website. Certain activities or events listed may, by virtue of the degree of physical fitness required or in their inherent nature, be unsuitable or dangerous for certain persons to engage with. Users remain responsible for determining whether an activity, event, good and/or service is safe, appropriate or suitable for them to be involved with.
Any external information or links provided on this website are outside the control of the City of Wanneroo and it remains the responsibility of the user to make his/her own decisions about the accuracy, reliability and correctness of material found on external sites. The City of Wanneroo takes no responsibility for the content of external websites, and no endorsement of those sites and/or their contents is intended, expressed or implied.
The City of Wanneroo does not accept any responsibility or liability arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from the material, even if those errors or omissions occur on account of City of Wanneroo negligence.
The use of, or reliance upon, the material is entirely at the users own risk. Accordingly, the City of Wanneroo will not be liable for any loss, damage, liability or inconvenience suffered by a user or any other person resulting from any action or decision in reliance upon the material on this website or any external website linked or referred to.
Any trade mark depicted on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended, and nor shall it be, an endorsement or a recommendation by or on the part of the City of Wanneroo of any person, product or service.
In this disclaimer, the word:
“material” includes any actual, alleged or asserted fact, details, information, representation, prediction, assertion, opinion, statement, promise, undertaking or the like; and a reference to a person (including the use of the word “you”) includes a firm, business, organisation, company or corporation.
“user/s” means any person, firm, business, organisation, company or corporation or thing accessing the material on this website.
The City of Wanneroo (the City) considers that the responsible handling of personal information is a key aspect of democratic governance and is committed to protecting an individual’s right to privacy. This policy applies to all personal information held by the City.
The City collects, stores and uses a broad range of information about customers, ratepayers, residents, volunteers, employees and prospective employees. A significant part of that information is personal information. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure that the collection, use, disclosure and handling of all personal information held by the City aligns with relevant Australian Privacy Principles.